Sunday, September 30, 2012

My 30th Birthday

On September 7 I turned 30.  This is kind of a big birthday and Todd and I talked about taking a trip to celebrate, but I was just not ready to go on a trip and leave the kids.  I go back and forth between feeling 25 and 45.  Somedays I am tried, feel frumpy, and notice wrinkles forming on my face while other times (mostly when I am kid-free) I think of myself as that cute mid-twenties kindergatern teacher who was always up for a happy hour.  I guess this is what it feels like to be 30?

So in my actual birthday some of my sweet friends had a Mommy's birthday party playdate for me.  Todd took the girls to the dollar store and had them pick out a gift for me and they wrapped it.  We went over to Corrie's house and she had set up a whole little party for me!  The kids decorated party hats and cupcakes, we sang and blew out candles, and then we opened all of my fun and fancy gifts :)  It was so fun and the girls really loved that mommy had a birthday party.  Amanda took some great pictures and I am so glad I have them to remember this day.

We also had an adult celebration.  Todd planned a dinner and invited our friends.  We had a great time eating, drinking, and chatting.  He aslo a booked a hotel for the night while his parents stayed with Ellie, Kate and Jack.  It was glorious to sleep in until 10am!!  All in all it was a great birthday and I felt very loved :)

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